I'm doing surprisingly well despite the fact that I've been dealing with an awful sickness recently- I'm 99% sure it was/is the Norovirus. I have luckily stopped throwing up so, I'd say that's progress. Because I've been so sick I feel like I've gotten myself behind in school. I'm trying not to stress about it, but it's really hard not to. Especially with midterms soon. I genuinely hate missing classes.
I've very much moved on from being angry at "my ex" (if you could even call her that.) In sum, I'm glad this shit is over and I feel so much better without her in my life.
I met a girl online and we've been talking- she seems really cool. I've learned I'm shockingly bad at most everything dating related. I don't know how to talk to people in general, let alone "flirt." Especially with women.
I know you'd think "you're a woman, you know how to not make them uncomfortable!" You'd think so, but god you'd be surprised. I'd obviously never make anyone uncomfortable in a physical or sexual way, but my general existence makes people uncomfortable. I move weird, I talk weird, I don't know how to make eye contact, and I certainly don't know how to treat anyone like anything other than an acquaintance. Like I said tho, I've been talking to a girl and she seems really cool. I just dread the idea of actually meeting IRL. Not because I dont want to, but because I'm bound to fuck it up.
Anyway, I've gotten a ton of followers on here recently and I'm not really sure why. Whenever I have a large influx of followers I always get worried I've ended up on some sort of Republican incel form. I don't really have anything to say about that- just a scary thought, honestly.
I guess I don't have a lot else to write about... I often feel like I have more to write throughout the day. I should really keep a small notepad on me to take notes on what I want to say.
Sorry these have been sporadic and boring. Life is... boring-ish right now. More stressful than boring, actually. And nobody wants to hear about that shit.
God I can't wait for spring break.